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Learn What Factors Impact Your Bill

We understand there are many concerns regarding the rising cost of electricity bills. There are two factors that can impact your bills: the amount of energy used and the cost of fuel to generate power. We answer commonly asked questions about what factors are impacting your bill.

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Always assume downed lines are dangerous.

Safety tips

Sign up today! Go paperless Save time by getting your bill online instead of in the mail.

Smart Meters Deploying in Louisiana

Smart meters empower you to have more control over your energy use.

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SWEPCO Challenges Students to Become 'Teachers' in LIHEAP Awareness Adventure

SWEPCO inviting student media teams to collaborate on video project.

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Clean Energy = A Better Future

We're constantly striving for new solutions to old problems. Learn how we're redefining the future of energy.

Power a greener future

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