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Level 2 Home EV Charging Station Rebate Program

What is a Level 2 Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station?

An Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Station is the equipment needed to charge an EV, and these charging stations are available today at three different levels – Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Level 1 EV Charging Stations have the longest charging times while Level 3 Charging Stations have the fastest charging times.

Level 2 Charging Stations are in the middle with an average total charging time between four and six hours. They require a 208 or 240 volt wall outlet and provide 10 to 60 miles of range per hour of charging time. Individual charging times differ based on the type of EV charging station as well as the type of battery, how depleted it is and its energy capacity.

According to ENERGY STAR®, driving an EV and installing a Level 2 EV Charging Station at home provides savings, convenience and smart technology. For every mile driven, it costs half as much - on average - to drive an EV compared to a standard gasoline-powered vehicle. Some Level 2 EV Charging Stations offer remote power monitoring and control of the charging state of the connected vehicle. When installed at home, Level 2 EV Charging Stations enable an EV owner to leave the house every day at a full charge.

How can I participate in the Level 2 EV Charging Station Rebate Program?

SWEPCO residential customers who own or rent a single-family home can install an ENERGY STAR-certified Level 2 EV Charging Station to qualify for a $250 rebate. Please note Level 2 EV Charging Station rebates have limited funding. Rebates are only available while funding lasts.

You can purchase an ENERGY STAR-certified Level 2 EV Charging Station online, from a local retailer or a dealership. Be sure to save your receipt since it’s part of your rebate application.

Once you’ve installed your Level 2 EV Charging Station, you’re ready to submit your rebate request.

Arkansas customers, please complete this online form.

Louisiana and Texas customers, please complete this online form.

Regardless of where you live, you may qualify for a federal tax credit of 30% of the cost of installing EV charging equipment. If you installed charging equipment after January 1, 2017, or if you install equipment before the end of this year, you are eligible to claim this credit, up to $1,000. Learn more at Plug in America.

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