More than 40 Southwestern Electric Power Co. (SWEPCO) employees wrapped up 2023 by giving back to six community organizations across Louisiana and Texas.
Employees fed the homeless, built beds for foster children, organized lunch for residents of a veterans’ home, repaired holiday lights for a community drive-thru attraction, trimmed trees, replanted flower beds and more as part of American Electric Power’s Caring Together Volunteer Funding Program, which provides “mini grants” of up to $300 to groups of active employees who wish to organize projects. Employees coordinated six service projects and gave a total of $1,800 to six nonprofits in Northwest Louisiana, Northeast Texas and East Texas.
“Our commitment has always gone beyond providing reliable power safely,” said Brian Bond, Vice President of External Affairs. “We strive to give back to the communities we serve in meaningful ways, every day.”
The six service projects included:
Senior Citizens Services – Texarkana, Texas
Employees trimmed shrubbery, upgraded area lighting, and replaced two 400-watt metal halide wall packs and one 100-watt metal halide wall pack for improved security at Senior Citizens Services. The organization provides, on average, nearly 1,000 hot meals daily, including meals to homebound seniors and a lunchtime meal to nine senior centers in Bowie and Cass counties. Grant dollars purchased serving pans and carts, as well as hot packs for coolers when food is distributed out in the community.
Woody’s Home for Veterans – Shreveport, La.
As part of honoring service and sacrifice during Veterans Day, SWEPCO’s Military Veterans Resource Group (MVERG) offered a helping hand to fellow veterans as part of an annual outreach campaign to serve homeless veterans. The group connected with The Simple Church and Walk On’s Bistreaux to provide a Veterans Day lunch that allowed them to spend time with the 14 residents of Woody’s Home for Veterans, which provides a stable home environment for homeless veterans in need of ongoing psychiatric care. The group coordinates a food and toiletry drive each year for Woody’s and extended their outreach this year to include the lunch. Grant dollars helped purchase food and supplies. Learn more at
Right to Play Leaps and Bounds Playground – Shreveport, La.
A team of Louisiana employees rolled up their sleeves to pull weeds, trim bushes and trees, replant flower beds and more at the Leaps and Bounds Playground at A.C. Steere Park. The playground is the only one within 100 miles for children with disabilities. SWEPCO has played an integral role in it since 2005, when employees helped construct it with Right to Play, a nonprofit that raises funds and awareness for the playground. Grant dollars helped purchase mulch and flowers for the playground flower beds. Learn more
Beds of Hope – Hallsville, Texas
A team of employees joined in a community build day to construct 50 beds for children in foster care. Organized by Beds of Hope, the build day consisted of volunteers assembling pre-cut and prefabricated wood into the headboard, footboard, and railings of a stackable twin bed. Those pieces are then transported to a storage facility until they’re needed for a home delivery either as a single or bunk bed. Beds of Hope is a volunteer group that builds beds and provides them, as well as mattresses, pillows and bedding to children who are placed with kinship families, foster families or returning home. Grant dollars helped purchase bed frame materials, such as wood, glue, and screws. Learn more about how to get involved at
Christian Service – Shreveport, La.
SWEPCO’s Black Employee Resource Group (BERG) served a Thanksgiving lunch at Christian Service, a nonprofit serving those in need with food, clothing, and other resources in an atmosphere of dignity, love and hope. Employees helped prep, plate, and serve lunch. In addition, they handed out new socks and blankets and assisted the staff with small jobs around the facility. Grant dollars will be used to purchase turkey and ham to feed the homeless a Thanksgiving lunch. Learn more at
Christmas in the Park at Liberty City – Kilgore, Texas
A group of East Texas employees helped power the 26th year of a community-led drive-thru holiday attraction in Liberty City, Texas. Since 1997, Liberty City’s Hugh Camp Memorial Park has been home to Christmas in the Park, a free community event featuring hundreds of twinkling lights, Santa and Mrs. Claus and local performers on Friday and Saturday nights in December. In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, employees helped repair multiple candy cane, train and other lighting displays and install them at the park. Grant dollars helped purchase additional lighting for the holiday attraction. Learn more on their Facebook page.