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SWEPCO Launches Major Pole Replacement Project to Improve Resiliency Across Its Footprint

December 6, 2024

SWEPCO has launched a system-wide pole replacement project, aimed at strengthening the distribution system to better withstand severe weather and other disruptive events across its service territory. The project, which began in September, focuses on upgrading poles that have been identified through rigorous inspections.

Across AEP, teams are focused on their commitment to customers, and SWEPCO is no exception. The investment SWEPCO is making to strengthen the distribution system that delivers power to our customers will help minimize outages, especially in the face of severe weather challenges. This is both timely and critical as wood poles in our area face constant challenges from factors including humidity, insects, and other environmental elements.  

“Once this project is complete, our customers will see a more resilient distribution system that can better endure both routine conditions and severe storm events,” said Adam Keeth, Director of Distribution Engineering. “By replacing poles with stronger, upgraded materials, we are reinforcing our infrastructure to better handle environmental challenges and keep our system working smoothly, ultimately enhancing the overall customer experience.” 

The initial phase of the project is taking place in Texas and will expand across SWEPCO’s entire service footprint. In total, 21,634 poles have been targeted for replacement over the next 3 years in Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas, with 1,803 poles, or 7.69%, already replaced as of Dec. 4. Across the country, wood poles remain an important component to the nation’s energy infrastructure with many having been safely and reliably in service for more than half a century. These poles provide the support necessary to deliver reliable power to businesses and homes, while also ensuring the system’s resilience during disruptive events.  

As with any equipment or infrastructure, inspections and testing are required to determine if the pole should be replaced. “This enhancement ensures that everything stays in optimal condition, further bolstering our service and value to customers,” said Brett Mattison, President and COO of SWEPCO. 
SWEPCO has made a significant investment for 2024, with plans to substantially increase funding for the pole replacement program in 2025. When replaced, the new poles will feature a heavier class of wood for added strength and durability. They are designed to last longer, providing increased reliability to better withstand environmental conditions, including severe weather, offer stability, and help insulate the wiring from accidental contact to safely and efficiently distribute power over long distances.  

“Select poles are being replaced to ensure the continued safety, reliability, and resiliency of our distribution system,” Mattison added. 

Construction began in early September, with 34 crews currently on site and plans to increase to 40 crews by the end of the year. The initial phase of the project is scheduled for completion by the end of 2025. “This pole replacement project is one more example of how we’re focused on serving our customers,” said Mattison.  

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