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Energy Efficiency Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter sheds light on things you care about, like renewable energy, improving your home, saving money and what we're doing to serve you better.

Louisiana and Texas September Newsletter


Refrigerators: 7 Energy-Saving Tips

Close the door on energy waste with these cost-saving tips for your refrigerator and freezer. Read More...

You Can Stop Attic Air Leaks

You can air seal your attic today with the help of this video featuring DIY expert Jeff Wilson. Read More...

Energy Efficiency: A Work of Art

Conserving energy is an old idea, but Arthur 'Art' Rosenfeld pioneered the modern science of building energy efficiency. Read More...

What's the Difference? Hybrid vs. Electric Vehicles

If you're considering an electric vehicle, you'll see lots of acronyms. This guide will help untangle the EV options. Read More...

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