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Energy Efficiency Newsletter

Our monthly newsletter sheds light on things you care about, like renewable energy, improving your home, saving money and what we're doing to serve you better.

Louisiana and Texas February Newsletter


5 Ways to Save Without Spending Money

Looking to save energy but don't want to spend a lot of money? Check out these no-cost tips. Read More...

Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs): A Look Inside

LEDs may look like conventional bulbs, but on the inside, they produce light very differently. Read More...

Hazel O'Leary: Leading the Way for Women

As the first female and the first African American to serve as U.S. Secretary of Energy, Hazel O'Leary was a true innovator. Read More...

3 Things You Should Know About EV Batteries

The battery packs that power electric vehicles are among the most expensive and advanced technologies on the road. Read More...

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