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Smarter heating and cooling means finding comfort in every space of your home. Ductless mini-split heat pumps can efficiently heat and cool that one room that always seems less comfortable than the rest. Whether it's an addition, a room above a garage or a converted space, mini-split heat pumps can make it more comfortable.
All heat pumps, mini-splits included, work in the same way: They move heat into your home in winter and out of your home in the summer. Mini-split heat pumps are smaller and provide a cost-effective way to heat or cool a single room. They're more effective and efficient than a window air-conditioning unit in the summer, or a space heating in the the winter. And, they are a lot safer and easier, too.
Maximize the smart in your smart home with ductless mini-split heat pump technology. Interested in installing a ductless mini-split heat pump? SWEPCO can help! We offer incentives for mini-split heat pumps. For more details, call 888-266-3130 or visit our webpage here.
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