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High-performance clothes washers save energy by reducing motor energy consumption and hot water volume using advanced controls and improved design. Less water means less energy required to heat, spin and remove it later.
Energy-efficient washing machines use sensors to control water temperature or offer multiple temperature levels to manually select the ideal temperature to wash your clothes. Some manufacturers replace the central agitator post in top loading machines with a low-profile impeller. Others use longer agitation strokes on the agitator post. Front-loading machines with a drum rotating slowly around a horizontal axis use gravity to agitate clothes. Faster spin rates and swirl interior tub design (with more but smaller water holes) extracts water more quickly.
Front-load washers use less water. Some washers spray clothes with high-pressure rinses to remove soap residue, rather than soaking them in a full tub of rinse water. Others incorporate a smaller secondary spin-wash tub just for delicate clothes. Load-sensing adaptive fill uses the minimum amount of water that is necessary.
As a result of these improvements, energy-efficient models use up to 33% less water than conventional units and 25% less energy. The improved washer design also results in less wear and tear on clothes, helping them last longer.
See ENERGY STAR® for more information about high-efficiency clothes washer models and a listing of certified products. Get a $75 SWEPCO incentive when you purchase an ENERGY STAR certified clothes washer.
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